I received dust jackets in the mail along with some other items (like fan mail that continues to pile up in my drawer--I really need to take a few days and answer it, but it's a major undertaking and I have a book due in May so aaaaargh!)
Anyway, I had seen the preliminary sketch of the jacket and really liked it. Right away you know it's definitely a Sammy Keyes book, but the wedged sections are a nice switch from the usual rectangular divisions.
What didn't quite resonate with me was the color scheme. Night of Skulls is definitely a Halloween story and it seemed this color scheme was more Fourth of July-ish. But there they were--finished jackets. And since I do NOT like to quibble about the small stuff, and since I know art is one of those touchy areas, I considered saying nothing about it. But since the book doesn't come out for another 6 or 7 months, I decided to ask Nancy if it was possible to switch the color scheme to orange and purple on the on the off chance that it wasn't too late. And ta-da! Just like that it's orange and purple.

I know this is short, but that's all for tonight. Unfortunately I spent WAY too much time trying to get these images transferred, loaded and formatted. (Does anyone know how to position art next to text in Blogger--it's driving me batty!) I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new cover. See you soon!
I LOVE IT!! So much :D. And I'm really glad that you asked her 'on the off chance'... when I saw the first one I immediately thought 'that looks just like Hollywood Mummy', because of the color scheme, but the second one definitely has its own identity-you can tell it's a Sammy Keyes book just the same, but now it has more personality shining through :D. Plus, I just plain love that color combo! :D
I like the one in purple and orange so much better! You're right, it should show that it's about Halloween. It was a good decision to try to change the cover, it wouldn't have been fun for you as the author to not be entirely happy with the cover. I'm glad that your opinion was valued and that it wasn't too late to change the cover. The cover makes me want to read the book even more, I can't wait for the book to come out!
i agree that it looks AWESOME!! now, i know you have talked about night of skulls in various places over various blog posts, but i believe it would be WONDERFUL if possibly you could put all you've released about night of skulls in one place!?!??!?!?!? its been so long since you last mentioned it and i dont even remember what you've told us about it!! ALSO when is it coming out? my assumption is october but you know what happens when you assume!!
thanks, and i love the cover!!!
Wow I umm I let's see LOVE it!!!!I like the orange better than the blue,well,I like'em both but the orange is more Halloween-y.I think it is good the way you got to have a say in the colors.if you're having a thanksgiving one ,orange and red?I agree with Elizabeth it does remind me of Hollywood mummy.now that the cover is out and I've seen it I feel like it's out.now I am jumpy all over!I wish I knew how to send fanmail I wouldn't bother you to much then.lol.I would send somthing maybe every month or so,ah! That would be awesome if I actually got a letter from you!:) I read runaway and fell in love with it and some of the poems! I have not read a book oc yours that I have not liked.
Thanks a bunch,
I love them both but I think the second one looks better for the theme which is Halloween. Great blog, it's a good thing you took that chance, you're right it is better.
Like everyone else in the world it seems, I love the new cover as well. I can't wait to read the actual book now! You should really stop toying with us here! Telling us so much just makes us impatient! Argg!! Anyway, I also just wanted to say great job on the Sammy Keyes song. I found it a while ago but never got to say anything. It's awesome! Yay!
And what is this new book I'm hearing about that you have to finish? Wait, don't tell me - then I woun't be in pain for the next however-many-months-it-takes-to-finish-the-thing :)
Keep being awesome!
You're right- orange and purple defenitly looks a lot cooler. And the wedged sections are a nice change. I can't wait for the book to come out. Hopefully, I'll be able to put in on hold in the library earlier this time. I had to wait for two whole people to finish Wedding Crasher since I was the third person waiting and that was a huge pain.
Orange and purple is so much prettier! LOl, it looks more shiny and fits with the mood of the title! Beautiful covers, in my opinion! Ahaha! Grrr... six - seven months! Jeez!
Its okaii waiting is fun too!
Great Post!
I ah-dore the cover and the colors! But where is Sammy? The cover is still amazing though. Ah now I am excited! <3
JULIE- I did it for you. Because I ound the synopsis online already I just made a whole post n my blog with allll the pieces from this blog that WVD said and put it all in one places, so all the Night of Skull ingo is right there plus some more (just from the synopsis you know). http://confessionsofakilljoy.blogspot.com/2011/03/attention-killjoys-night-of-skulls.html
So yeah, that is all. :)))
Thank you Wendelin! Good luck on SK 15! I've decided I'm not going to bug you for Night of Skulls like I did for Wedding Crasher cuz I felt kinda bad because you're working so hard and I was being a brat, so now instead I will be happy with whatever at all that happens even if it takes nine years for the book to come out!
xox xxCammyLoverxx (I need to change my name back sometime)
The jacket is awesome! You're right; the triangular cover is better then the rectangular shapes that the artist normally sticks with. Now I'll keep coming back to this page to ponder what everything means! Thank you so much for posting the cover, even if the entry is short.
Oooooh, I LIKE IT! It's very Halloween-ish. And the orange and purple is definitely better; you're right, the other one looked Fourth of July-ish. And the wedges are a nice change from the regular! I really like it!!!!
Ah, I can't wait for this book to come out. But I guess I'll have to wait :( I'm a very impatient patient person (if that makes sense at all). So...yeah, I can't wait (but i'll have to)!
-Lexa the impatient patient person :D
I LOVE IT!! The purple and orange really does make it more Halloween-y. I can't wait for the next book!!!!!!!! :D
AGH!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! When does it come out?? I'm dieing to read it!!! AH!!!!!! I am so Freaking out right now!!!!
AH!yesterday we got robbed!Everyone laughed when i was worried about my Library card.I guess it was kinda funny.
thanks! what should we do?
amazing i loooooove it!!!! great colors!!!! i cant wait for the book! I just can,t wait!
magority wins! purple and orange! i cant wait for the book to come out and read it! i havent read the wedding crasher yet but im looking forward to it! is it comming out in may?
OOH! I KNOW I KNOW! I do it all the time! (it works for me) just click next to the picture when your editing the post and start typing. it shud appear next to it. PS. I lovvveee the orange and purple one! 10x better than the first.
Oh I cant wait to read your new book. when does it come out?
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