So you regular followers have now been privy to both the hardcover and the paperback artwork...and the book's not even out yet! The hardcover is slated for May 2012 and the paperback? I think it's due out in November. But the thinking ahead, working ahead, planning ahead is all necessary if we're going to stick to our schedule and have things done right.
So along those thinking-ahead lines, I've decided that you are the group to ask the BIG question:
What actress do you see as being the best screen version of Sammy Keyes?
As you know, I've been quite hesitant about this whole Sammy to TV prospect. But there is a well-established producer who is an actual fan of Sammy's (as in he's--gasp--read the books and loves her), and has been steadfastly keeping tabs with me over the years, hoping something would eventually work out.
What became of paramount importance to me (after a sobering reality check involving what optioning 'a property' [the Sammy books] really meant) was the integrity and quality completion of the book series. Sure it's nice to have Hollywood people interested in developing your books to film, but allowing them to do so is a crap shoot. Maybe it'll come out great and help the books...maybe it will be awful and create an unshakable association.
But, once again, I met with this producer, and, once again, I came away more positively inclined about his potential care and handling of Sammy Keyes as a TV series.
He always asks me who I see as various characters, and, honestly? Sammy is the Sammy in my head, and there's nobody who could fill that image 100% Besides, I don't follow the industry. I don't know who's who, so I would LOVE your input / help.
Let's start by my telling you that the producer likes Bailee Madison and thinks in a couple of years (which is how long these things take, at a minimum) she would make a great Sammy. So what do you think? Who do you like? Not just for Sammy, but for any / all of these main characters:
Thanks for your comments, thoughts, and input!
Oh. My. Word. First of all, I cannot wait for the Power of Justice Jack. For some reason, I have a feeling I'm going to really really like this one.
As for the Sammy-as-a-TV show-thing: I screamed and ran around the house. (My family now knows that whenever I do this it’s because of my books).
I think it's really cool that the producer is a Sammy Keyes fan, it would really help the whole plot not changing. If he loves Sammy, than he's less likely to change her all around. And yeah, it might come out great, and make your book even more popular, or it might frustrate the fans. But either way, I will defiantly watch the show. I love Sammy Keyes too much to not.
I think Bailee Madison is a pretty good pick for Sammy. Like you said, no one's perfect because we all picture Sammy different. But if she were cast as Sammy, I would be happy. She's really close to her, and I think she's a great pick. She’s been acting her whole life, and she’s talented.
Like you, I'm not sure "who's who" in Hollywood. I don't know anyone. I apologize that I can't help you there. But, I will start asking everyone online AND offline who they think a good cast for the show is. I cannot wait to see who Heather will be. Man. What channel would the show be on? And it’s probably going to happen after the series is over, right?
I also think it's really cool how you're asking fans. That's why your one of my favorite two authors. You're a great writer, great at giving life lessons/advice, and you care about your fans.
Have a good week, and I hope you find a great cast! I'll ask everyone their opinion.
PS: Is it going to follow the SK books, with a few more additions in between books, so the show is longer, or is it going to be somewhat like the books, because we already know who the criminal are? Oh! And will it follow Sammy’s social life, like when Heather and Sammy first meet, or the whole “Lana Problem”. Or when Sammy finds Holly?
-Mrs. Leo Valdez
haha yeah i agrre in a couple year she could be an awesome sammy!
*agree *years
Hmm... I don't know for people it was going to be this year or the next it would be easier, but it's not so it ain't. I think Bailee Madison would be okay (I mean no one would be perfect for Sammy). Hope it all works out and I can't wait for the Power of Justice Jack (I love the cover! maybe even more than the hard back). I re-read night of skulls the other day and it was amazing as always. Now planning to re-read the whole series before the next book comes out! Quick question are any of you in high school? Or am I the only one who still reads Sammy Keyes even in high school? (she is like my idol, I don't think I could ever stop reading it!).
Kylie: Don't worry, I'm in high school too, and I LOVE Sammy Keyes. I first read them in 5th grade. Sammy Keyes and Percy Jackson are the books that started me reading obsessively. I mean, I always loved reading when I was little, but those two series have changed my life, and now reading is my hobby. They make me want to become a writer.
So thanks, Wendelin, your books inspire me, and whenever I have a problem, I find that Sammy went through the same thing, and take her or Hudson's advice all the time :)
I have a friend who's in 6th grade right now, and I introduced her to SK, and she LOVES the books. She's going crazy about them. I'm also starting to share my favorite books with my little sister who's in 6th grade. She's a reluctant reader, and always refused to read and right now, she's reading the Percy Jackson series, and loves them, and she says she really needs to finish the PJO series so she can read the Sammy Keyes series.
So, thanks Wendelin for your books, they always inspire me.
I guess I don't watch enough shows with younger kids to know who they are. They're all pretty interchangeable to me. =) Bailee Madison? Who's that? Yeah, maybe she'd make a good Sammy Keyes, but I don't know.
But I will confess--whenever I read about Officer Borsch, I can't help but imagine Lassiter from the TV show Psych played by Timothy Omundson. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Omundson
Which makes me laugh, since I know Officer Borsch is supposed to be on the heavy side, but Lassiter is skinny as a stick, but personality-wise, Borsch's relationship with Sammy (especially in the early books) reminds me of Lassiter's relationship with Shawn.
I'm probably the only person in the entire world who images Timothy Omundson as Officer Borsch, though. =)
-- Ryan
PS. I totally do NOT image Shawn (James Roday) as Sammy. That's just wrong....
Cool Sammy on TV! It can't be movies because there are so many books, but a TV serial is a good idea. I'm worried that some books get ruined by getting made into shows.
Bailee madison is cool but i can't see her as playing Sammy. I liked the girl who played Julie in Flipped.
I also think Ariel Winter would play a good part for Sammy.
Holly should look a little like Sammy i think.
Casey should be CUTE!
Billy, funny and ordinary looking.
Marissa, VERY curly hair.
Lana, I can see Nicole Kidman as her.
ignore my suggestions, cuz it was just ideas!
- Btw (HOW CAN I WAIT TILL MARCH foR SAMMY KEYES!!!!????) Thats like Forever.
AHHHH! So exciting! Zachary Gordon should be Billy. I've always dreamed of sammy keyes becoming a movie! Can I be Sammy? xD
Hmm. I think that AnnaSpohia Robb could make a good Sammy. Like every other wanna-be-actress I say: ME! Anyway, maybe Dakota Fanning? But you'd need to dye Anna & Dakotas hair. Wait-- does Sammy have brown hair? Black? Blonde? Danielle Panabaker. . .no she's, like, 24. Sarah Hyland? Ummm. . .Maybe Debby Ryan? Bailee. I'm not sure about her. She seems too young.
Maybe Emily Osment. Clint Eastwood maybe for Hudson?
Meryl Streep maaaaybeee possibly for Grams?
I can't think of anyone for Casey. Maybe Nat Wolff? Eh. :\
I can't think of anyone else. But if my parents sign me up for acting classes like they want to, I'm SOOOO going to audition ;)
Love that show!
I can't see him as Officer Borsch, though.
Before you read the comment, I pretty much have this comment ALONG with the pictures right on my blog post about this on my SK blog, so yup. Just in case that is easier or whatever.
So here's the link to the whole thing on my blog:
Sammy: Anna Sophia Robb
Casey: Gaspard Ulliel
Hudson: Stanley Tucci
Heather: Emily Browning
Billy!: Devon Workheiser
Marissa: Ryan Newman
Lana: Elaine Hendrix
Reason Why:
1 . Anna Sophia as Sammy.
Thats a link for a simple picture only, not some annoying website (hopefully it showed up).
-She can totally pull of high-tops.
-She can pull of being a badass "tomboy"-like figure like Sammy is. ;)
-Even though she's kinda older than Sammy is, she still looks young.
-She would dye her hair brunette because she's done it for other projects before.
-She can pull of short hair (doesn't Sammy have short hair on the covers, mostly?)
2. Gaspard Ulliel as Casey
Beside contrary belief, Gaspard is only 28 years old, guys.
I mean, he COULD act as a younger dude. He definitely has the looks for it, and seriously, he even has the reddish hair brown that I imagined Casey to have. He also has a cute SMIRK.
If I happen to think of anyone younger, I'll mention him later.
3. Stanley Tucci as Hudson.
He's just the most awesome old-guy actor ever. End of story. :)
4. Emily Browning as Heather
Red-head. Pouty face (ensures the whole mean-girl look). And 'Suckerpunch' has ensured the whole world that this girl can draw some blood, and be good at it, too.
5. Devon Workheiser as Billy.
I know a Billy in real life who looks just like Devon. The Billy *I* know is an actor, AND a class clown and joker and everyone likes him. The only different because my Billy and SK Billy is that this Billy is a senior in high school and Billy Pratt is in 8th grade.
Still, since I know a REAL "Billy" who's a REAL "joker guy' who looks JUST like Devon Workheiser, I think he works great.
Besides, Devon is great at comedy. Was I the only kid who liked his Ned's Declassified show? SERIOUSLY PEOPLE.
6. Ryan Newman as Marissa
That is literally the DEFINITION of Marissa, for me.
You have to see like, a bunch of more pictures to really get the idea but this photo does a good job, I think.
She's not too old, not too young, and she's pretty in a really young, non-steretypical way that I think Marissa should be. Like, Marissa should definitely look girly and cute, but she should have a bit of her that looks like she could totally stand up to Danny or just do something really kickass, you know? Also, she seems like she has more to her than just being a girly girl which is TOTALLY Marissa. Video games. Softball. Danny. DUH. Anyhow, this is totally Marissa. To me.
But I think other people might agree too. :)
I'm really excited for finding this Ryan Newman chick!
7. Elaine Hendrix as Lana
Short, blonde hair.
She seems like she could be nice, but looks very self-absorbed at the same time with the smirk and smile. Also, she's pretty, which is how Sammy mom is supposed to be.
AND she looks like she could be related to Anna Sophia Robb (who is my Sammy choice), which is a TOTAL PLUS.
I spent a lot of time on this list, and I'm missing a few key characters, but I feel like I got the ones that are most distinct. And I know Casey's is unrealistic, that's just MY mind working, so I'll keep looking for him.
Wait! I've been brainstorming all day on people. Dakota Fanning should be Heather Acosta! or maybe Dakota is to old... in that case her younger sister (Elle i think?)
I agree with yuseyz that Casey needs to be cute (well we couldn't have him being ugly...) but I am having tons of trouble thinking of the perfect actor for him...
Sammy has to be perfect too... who should be Sammy... I don't think Bailee Madison looks right (Ahhh! Sorry! Don't pay attention if you don't agree!)
And I think Zack Mills (I must have some wierd thing for actors named Zack) who was in super8, should be in there somewhere...
Oh Mega-Breakthrough!! T. J. should be played by Devon Bostick! Perfect!!!! Why didn't I see this before?
PS I cant wait for Justice Jack to come out! It will be so gooooood
Ryan newman does look like Marrissa
I totally agree with Cammylover. Her choices are amazing!
All this brainstorming is great! Thanks for all the input. Keep it coming if you've got thoughts!
Ross Lynch for Casey. Here's a picture.
I like a Josh Flitter type for Billy, if you saw the Nancy Drew movie...he'd be too old maybe by the time Sammy Keyes films. I see Tom Skerritt as Hudson. Possibly Grace Zabriskie for Grams or Frances Conroy, if it is for TV, you are probably going to get "unknowns" --you gotta look at commercials these are the kids that will be moving up to series next.
So we've ("we" as in a bunch of the "Sammiacs") been brainstorming on my SK blog as of late (as of yesterday, heh) and we've come up with a Casey!
His name is Hutch Dano.
I think if this Hutch Dano guy lost a litttleeee bit of his cheek chubbiness, he could be a great Casey!
But I have to give credit to XxSammyKeyesxX and Jesemidy because it was so not my idea, it was their's.
Give credit where credit is due!
I think Anne Sophia Robb, dakota fanning, or Emily Osmet could make good Sammies.
I agree that Hutch dano would be good, but maybe there is some one better (then again we can't always get perfect).
I basically agree with xxCLxx with everything except for Casey and Hudson. I'm sorry but i can only imagine Hudson with THICK eyebrows and HAIR.
I also think that if one person is picked for Sammy the other could be used for Holly or someone else.
Also the actors who are ACTUALLY 13 or 14 look to young, but about 20 looks to old. Some where in the middle.
-- Yusayera
This is going to be long. Forgive me; mentally casting actors as characters in books is one of my hobbies.
I think that Liam James (he played young Shawn on Psych for several years) would make an excellent Casey--and he's the right age.
For Lana, I'd go with Meredith Monroe, because she can play loving and troubled and unlikable in equal measure, and because she looks fairly natural both blonde and brunette, as I imagine Lana would have to.
In a world without scheduling conflicts, I think Jim
Beaver would make a pretty good Officer Borscht. He's good at being sort of gruffly supportive.
I'm a huge fan of Cybill Shepherd, and she could probably do a good job as Grams, although she doesn't match my image of her at all. (Maybe if she had curly grey hair, which I imagine a TV makeup department could pull off.) Of course, she, like Beaver, is somewhat in demand. Another option, assuming she'd ever leave Glee (which is a pretty big assumption) would be Jane Lynch, whom I also adore.
I don't have a strong mental image of Warren, but it strikes me that Luke
Perry wouldn't be a bad choice.
As far as I know, neither Sam Elliott nor Scott Glenn does television, but if they did, either would be a good Hudson. (Particularly Elliott, who has the cowboy thing going on.) Although, I've always felt like Hudson could have a British accent, so as long as I'm mentioning distinguished old actors who don't do television, I might as well throw in Michael Caine.
As long as we're not trying to be realistic, Elle Fanning is an incredible actress, like her older sister, and fits my mental image of Dot almost perfectly. And she's the right age. She would also make, I think, a very good Holly, if her hair were brown.
Another obvious-but-unlikely choice is Abigail Breslin who would be wonderful as Marissa, or even Heather.
In the slightly more realistic range, there's Jordan Todosey, who's a tad old and already has a job, but who's a fantastic actress and would perfectly fit my image of Heather, if she had red hair.
Natalie Alyn Lind is a tad young, but very good in the few things I've seen her in, and would also make a good Marissa or Dot.
As for Sammy, I have no idea. Bailee Madison seems as good a choice as any.
Oh what about Bella Thorne for Heather? I think she could pull off a meanie head and I'm sure she has a great scowl!
Oh and I definitely like Madelyn's Warren and Officer Borsch
I wish that blogger let you edit comments. I meant, of course, that Jim Beaver would be a good Officer Borsch, because of course Gil is not Ukrainian beet soup.
All f Cammylovers suggestions for sammy, marissa, lana, hudson, heather, and billy.
Grams: i so would have picked jessica tandy, but she's dead..... vanessa redgrave, helen mirren, cate blanchett, jamie lee curtis(all unrealistic, i know...)
warren: luke perry
officer borsch: jim beaver
director: rob reiner. :)
Woody Allen as Andre who works at the Heavenly.
Yeah I know it's totally wierd because I always imagine Andre as being this tuff guy (which woody allen is not) but now I can also see this crazy picture of Woody Alen being him! Alos Woody Allen could be the guy who works at the Senior Highrise (I am always forgetting his name!)
I've changed my mind--Zach Mills should be Billy. Or Zachary Gordon... I don't know.
As for Hudson. I just realized we have a neighbor who looks like Hudson. Bushy white hait, bushy white eyebrows, complete with cowboy boots. Yes It's perfect xD
freddie stroma for casey acosta
Aw. This makes me kind of sad and I don't know why. I'm a filmmaker. I should be happy about this. I suppose I'm terribly concerned they'll ruin it for me too. I don't know many 12-14-year-old actors, so I'm sorry I can't help.
You know Nathan Kress from iCarly?
There was a point where I thought he'd make an ok Casey.
I don't know anymore, because a lot of these are great options, but he def looks young.
I kinda want then to have young actors because I think the kick-ass thing about Sammy is that she's a middle schooler with spunk.
Mary Matilyn Mouser would make a good Sammy, i think since in the movie FRENEMIES she skateboarded and she is a tom boy with brown hair (at least in the movie).
I know this comment is not related to this post but I have to congratulate you on your Schneider Family Book Award for "Running Dream". I was at the award announcements and it was great to see your book up on the screen, you really deserve it!
Yes, congratulations Wendelin!! The Schneider Family Book Awards honor an author or illustrator for a book that embodies an artistic expression of the disability experience for child and adolescent audiences. The Running Dream won in the teen category.
ALA/YALSA has also voted to include TRD on the 2012 Best Fiction for Young Adults List. You and this uplifting book are SO deserving of being acknowledged with this prestigious honors.
Hey! I've been brainstorming for Casey. What about Logan Lerman? Here's a link:
OH! IDEA! What about Angus T. Jones for Billy? I mean, he's 18, but he looks pretty young, right? here's a picture.
Maybe for Marissa Chloe Moretz? Or maybe she can be Holly. She's good at being tough & stuff.(:
Hailee Steinbeld would make a good Marissa or Sammy, I think.
Oh! And Jake T. Austin could make a good Billy, maybe?
Molly C Quinn I think could make a good Dot. I'm not sure though. . .
or Sasha Pieterse for Holly. She's from Pretty Little Liars. Plus, she's only 15, almost 16.
Possibly Jimmy Bennette (From No Ordinary Family) for Billy?
I can't really think of anyone for Casey! Maybe Zachary Gordon for Billy? He's from the Diary Of A wimpy Kid series, but by then, he'll probably look older.
Ok,these I am agreeing with others, but here is my list so far:
Ryan Newman as Marissa
Elaine Hendrix as Lana
Liam James as Casey
I agree with Madelyn, Liam James would make a PERFECT Casey!
The one I am having trouble finding is Sammy. Bailee Madison in my opinion wouldn't be a very good Sammy. She looks too girly(even though it would take a couple years). I would love to play Sammy! Lol :) Everyone has to admit, it would be fun :)
Hudson needs to be old with white hair and bushy eyebrows.
I am having mixed feelings with the whole Sammy Keyes tv series. First of all, my idea of books sometimes doesn't match up with that the movie makers think. But I think you would have a lot of say in this Wendelin( I hope that's ok if I call you by your first name) so it will be true to the books.
I was wondering something: is each episode going to be a book? But wouldn't it be too long for one episode? Or will they be broken down into several episodes (probably). And will there only be enough episodes to cover each book? Or will you guys make more concepts without writing more books so the tv series is longer?(I would extremely love for there to be books so we can read them before we see the episode. Well, I will continue my hunt for the perfect Sammy Keyes cast! Bye! :)
I think that they should just make a few episodes for each book becuase when they start making their own plot and changing it, it just ruins the books.
Not necessarily. Usually television screen writers use a book as a basis- like an elemental skeleton, and use that to shape and outline their story-lines and plot arcs, but there is no guarantee that everything is going to be the same as it was in the books. Also, the show won't suddenly be terrible if it starts veering off the tracks of the books. Television script writers are WRITERS, too, they know how to keep things in line and make them work in a good way, too.
For example, the Vampire Diaries books were made into a TV show, and all of the characters besides one best friend from the books were included in the show. One of the main character's best friends, Meredith, was excluded from the show, but the rest of the friends, including the love interest (okay, well, he had to be there), the anti-guy, the enemy, the best friend, etc.
So I feel like whereas Sammy Keyes hopefully will be more ventured towards the books (because the great Wendelin Van Draanen is working with the guy who's designing the show! WHICH MEANS GOODNESS), the show won't necessarily "RUIN" Sammy Keyes if it changes some things up.
Because, guys, no matter how the show turns out, if it comes out, the BOOKS will always be the thing we're the biggest fans of, right? It's not like we're throwing away all our SK books and leaving all our devices to a SK SHOW instead.
I think the people who are reacting negatively towards this whole thing are being a little too critical. (a bunch of us have been discussing this on my sk blog too haha) I mean, come on. I'm sure it won't turn out as a flop. I'm sure it won't "ruin" the books for any of us. We're all too devoted and good for that.
Did you guys know that the reason the first Harry Potter movie was so spot-on and good and followed the books to a T, was because J.K. Rowling was BREATHING down the movie producer's neck about it?
Wendelin Van Draanen is working with this show producer dude, too, so see?
We have nothing to worry about!
But, yeah.
Even if the show ventures off in its own different plot arcs and stuff, I don't think there's a lot wrong with that.
These things are all made just to get a chance. I mean, if we start judging it and going, "The TV show is gonna ruin the books for me!" BEFORE the show even comes out, then imagine how negative some of us will react when the desicions are already made.
I, for one, am extremely positive about this and seriously? If I was an author and my book series of like, over 10 years was being made into a TV show, I'd be freakin' ecstatic and nervous at the same time, but mostly super proud of myself.
I'm going to spend some time this weekend, when I actually have a bunch of free time, and go through everyone's suggestions here on this post's comments, and just try to find someone really good.
MEANWHILE, I keep checking on these comments just to see what people are saying.
so my reply to ur really long post is... good point! :)
WVD, all I want to say right now is that you commenting on my blog made me die and go to heaven?
In a metaphorical sense, when Sammy and Casey are reading graves in the cemetary now and they see my name, it will be:
Died because of the person who created you guys.
Yes, that means you, Sammy and Casey.
Don't worry, she's in heaven.'
I love you.
Okay. So, I'm not exactly a Hollywood geek, but here's what I decided. This list is based on xxCamrynLoverxx's ideas, with a couple of my ideas thrown in.
Sammy- Anna Sophia Robb, or Arial Winter, because they both have attitude and the face for it.
Casey- I have thought long and hard, people. I really have. Nothing, and I mean nothing. I simply cannot find a guy cute enough!!! Maddening.P.S. Devon Workheiser might work, but he is so perfect for Billy!!!!!
Hudson- Grr. I think I like Hudson too much, just like Casey(not in the same way. EW.)and so no actor is worthy of playing him. Plus, all actors north of sixty who are guys spray tan, which is the opposite of Hudson.
Heather- Okay, strangely, I have decided that Ariel Winters would also work for Heather. I know. I mean, who would think that a single person could play both Sammy and Heather? But apparently, in my slightly biased mind(Modern Family, anyone?), it might work.
Billy- Well, Devon Workheiser would work. Well. However,he is good for Casey, and Casey must be played by someone good. I mean, I love Billy, but he isn't as much of a priority as Casey.
Marissa- Okay, I love Ryan Newman for this role. I mean, slightly girly, but with a tomboy edge. Yeah!
Lana- Okay, so, here comes the great artificial, semi-plastic idea- Elaine Hendrix. Totally fake enough. i mean, she IS Lana!!!!
T.J.- ramenlover, I give you full credit and a virtual hug. Devon bostick is so perfectly, insanely good for this role that it kills me. YAY!!!!!!!!
for some reason, none of these are working for me!!! ive thought long and hard and still am. just WAIT i will find the perfect cast!
omg i just read a comment that had perfect actors
sammy:Emily osment or maybe Hilary duff cos she always looks young
grams:Meryl streep
hudson:no idea
marissa:if sammy cant be emily osment maybe marissa should be
Casey: ( MOST IMPORTANT) http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://theideagirlsays.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/logan-lerman.jpg&imgrefurl=http://theideagirlsays.wordpress.com/2011/03/02/emma-watson-lands-role-in-the-perks-of-being-a-wallflower-logan-lerman/logan-lerman/&h=240&w=240&sz=24&tbnid=A9Za_N72-wp91M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=90&prev=/search%3Fq%3DLogan%2BLerman%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=Logan+Lerman&docid=q6Iu-3IwqxxddM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XxIrT4q6GOvnmAWsj8neDw&ved=0CE4Q9QEwAw&dur=886 i hope this link thingy works but logan lerman heres another pic sorry for the long sites XD http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://theideagirlsays.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/logan-lerman.jpg&imgrefurl=http://theideagirlsays.wordpress.com/2011/03/02/emma-watson-lands-role-in-the-perks-of-being-a-wallflower-logan-lerman/logan-lerman/&h=240&w=240&sz=24&tbnid=A9Za_N72-wp91M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=90&prev=/search%3Fq%3DLogan%2BLerman%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=Logan+Lerman&docid=q6Iu-3IwqxxddM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XxIrT4q6GOvnmAWsj8neDw&ved=0CE4Q9QEwAw&dur=886
heather:Sara Paxton maybe or bella thorne
officer borsch: steve martin
warren:tom hanks maybe?
sorry for the really long comment hope it helps :D
ok heres the simplified version of my comment cos the last one didnt work so please ignore the last one this is the proper one :D
sammy keyes:Emily Osment or maybe Hilary duff because she always looks young but not so young that it wrecks teh movie
casey: (MOST IMPORTANT MUST BE CUTE) maybe Logan lerman
heres a pic of him thet makes me think he would be a great casey:
hudson: Steve martin maybe?
Grams: Meryl streep possibly i dunno
Heather: i dont know why but for some reason i think sara paxton would be good as heather or maybe bella thorne
Billy: Angus.t.jones all the way i think he's a perfect billy because hes so funny an he just looks like billy in my head anyway
Warren:Nicholas cage maybe ( i changed my mind from the last comment!!)
Marissa:Emily osment i think if shes not sammy or something
and im not sure about holly or dot or anyone else at the moment
sorry for the long comment and i hjope it helps also please ignore the last comment i made because it was a mess XD
elaine hendrix!!
for lana maybe
ariel winters for sammy maybe
alsoi just read a comment that said devon workheiser for billy and i think he would be great to :D
A Sammy tv show would be awesome! I love and have read all the books! I think Dakota goyo should play Casey
A Sammy tv show would be awesome! I love and have read all the books! I think Dakota goyo should play Casey
A Sammy tv show would be awesome! I love and have read all the books! I think Dakota goyo should play Casey
As much as I LOVE Sammy Keyes, I am always dissapointed with movies/shows that are based off books, and can't help but be nervous about this.
However, I was extremely happy with the way Flipped turned out, so I don't know what to think.
Are you going on tour again anytime soon? I'd love it if you came to Chicago again!
Can't wait for Justice Jack!!!
ok this id sooooo awsum. finally sammy keyes, on the tv.
ok marissa should so be Bayli Johnston. she is just so pretty and just how i always picture marissa to look like
and i was thinking that maybe bobby coleman for billy.
and maybe River Shields for Casey
and for Heather-Erin woods
thats all i have.
Guy I WAnT TO BE SAMMY!!!!!! Like super bad. I fantasize about it alllllll the time. But if I can't (and I probabaly won't) I don't think it should be most of the people you guys are saying kuz there WAY. TOO. OLD. Especially for Casey. Isn't he supposed super cute. And freckles. He has to have freckles. That was in one of the books. So Casey has to have freckles. There's this guy at my school who looks just like how I picture Casey and I have a huge crush in him. Probably kuz he looks like Casey. The only problem is his attitude is more like Danny. Oh My God. Danny. What about him. He's a big role. He's gotta be like super sexy. He has to be muscular. And tan. Kuz all the girls love him so...
Everyone says that Ryan is perfect for marissa but to be honest that's how I pictured Sammy. She kinda all tomboyish and a natural beauty. Also, everyone like Bailee for Sammy. I like bailee as an actress but not Sammy. She looks to little and fragile. She looks kinda girly and way to 8 year old ish. I really hope she's not Sammy. Ryan is perfect for Sammy. Choose her.
I think that Hudson should be played by Steve Martin, Casey by Dakota Goyo (He has blonde hair, but maybe they could dye it) and Danny by Colin Ford. Not sure about the rest of them, but will think about it! :)
By the way, Charlie can be a girl name. Because I am a girl, that is why I like the love part between Sammy and Casey <3 I don't like Danny, that much though. He seems sort of like a player :/
Okay, what about Ashley Taylor for Sammy? Imagine her with dark hair....idk, I could see it. Maybe...
I think Bailee Madison would make a good Marissa. I can just totally imagine her! AnnaSophia Robb is my favorite but I think she is a little too old for Sammy! Sammy I think has to be kind of short because in one of your books you said that Heather said Sammy is as tall as a Fourth Grader!I would totally want to be Holly. In my opinion I think I fit her perfectly! Wwhen you said Sammy Keyes is going to be an TV SHOW I screamed!!!!! I am sooo excited I always wanted for it to be a tv show! Heather should be Bella Thorne!Totally!
Marissa:Ryan Newman
Holly: Me! I think I fit her perfectly!!! I would totally LOVE if you chose me!
Dot: Bailee Madison
Lana: Reese Witherspoon
I think Sammy and her friends should be a little short because Heather once called her a Forth Grader but thats only my opinion! Good Lucky Finding a cast!
Hey! Well I have been thinking a LOT about the cast because Im super excited and here is what I think the cast should be! I'm missing a few characters!
Sammy Keyes: Bailee Madison
Marissa: Ryan Newman
Holly: Me but you won't probably pick me so... I don't really know!
Lana: Elaine Hendrix
I hope to have an update for you sometime in the coming weeks...! Thanks for the continued input!
Hey! Thanks SOO MUCH!!!! I hope you find a cast! Now I think I have about everybody!
Sammy: Bailee Madison
Casey: Gaspard Ulliel
Hudson: Stanley Tucci
Heather: Emily Browning
Billy!: Devon Workheiser
Marissa: Ryan Newman
Lana: Elaine Hendrix
Holly : Ciara Bravo!
Anyways I am soo excited and thanks so much!
Hi! Have you found out a cast yet? I am so excited that Sammy Keyes is going to be a tv show! Bailee Madison would be a very good Sammy! I really want to see your cast! I am willing to try out to be Holly, as described I even look like her! :D Hope you find a cast!
Hi Wendelin! I am obsessed with the Sammy Keyes books and I think I have an accurate depiction on who the characters should be. I don't think Bailee Madison could portray Sammy very well; she and Ryan Newman as Marissa seem too young and not tomboyish enough for the part.
I think Billy Unger would be a great Casey Acosta. He has a lot of experience in acting (he has a Disney show) and although he's 17, he looks young enough to be 15. I believe he'd be perfect for the role. Harrison Ford would make an AWESOME Hudson too. I think for the pivotal role of Sammy Keyes, Mary Mouser would be the best choice. Hope you consider all of these roles!
Emily Browning is 24 and Ciara Bravo is about 14. I don't think it's possible for those two to realistically be the same age. Ciara Bravo and Bailee Madison don't have enough experience; Emily Browning is too old for the part. Plus, I don't think Heather would have a face as sweet as Emily's.
A lot of the suggested actresses/actors are either way too young or too old. I don't think that Sammy/Casey should have baby faces or freckles. They should look old/mature, but not too old because they have realistically play middle/high schoolers. Again, I suggest Billy Unger as Casey. :D I mean, Bailee Madison seems to fragile to be able to punch Heather in the nose and cement a gang leader's posterior into concrete. Same with Ryan Newman. Devon Bostick should definitely play T.J. Mary Mouser seems tomboyish enough, and she has acting experience to play Sammy. In her last big movie, she played a girl who loved to skateboard.
Heather: Katherine McNamara. She's played the antagonist in three different shows/movies. She has natural red hair and she can accurately portray sourness.
Lady Lana: Elaine Hendrix. Absolutely perfect for Lana. She looks cunning and like a spoiled actress that happened to have a baby in her prime.
Hudson: Maybe Harrison Ford is a longshot for Hudson. Most likely, he won't be available in the pool of actors. Hudson should look wise, but should have smile wrinkles around his eyes and mouth.
Dot: Olivia Holt. Cute, innocent face. Can pass as Dutch.
I think the movie should mash up The Hotel Thief and The Wedding Crasher. That way, we can introduce Sammy and also get to the plot line with her and Casey. Thank you for considering your fans' opinions! I can't wait for the final two books in the series. I'm going to miss them so much. Hopefully there's a book in Casey's point of view or a sequel, like in twenty years we can have a peek into Sammy's endeavors.
I know i'm a little late, but I've just started reading this blog (I've read the books for years). Here's my pick.
Sammy: Yes, Bailee Madison
Casey: Garrett Ryan
Grams: Shirley Jones
Hudson: Barry Bostwick
Heather: Allisyn Ashley Arm
Billy!: Mateo Arias
Marissa: Aubrey K. Miller
Holly: Claire Engler
Dot: G. Hannelius
Lana: Amy Poehler
Warren: John Goodman, defenitely
Officer Borsch: Bobby Moynihan
Danny: Jeremy Shada
Cisco: Jason Sudeikis
i wanna see a place for some kind of audition. like i read alot of her books, and she is my idol and after all the information I gathered i think i may be a good sammy, or dot or marrissa. ive always loved acting and im in eight grade as well
I know I'm so late to the party, but I wanted to comment my opinions! Of course, my dream is to play Sammy, but since I cannot, I think Britt Robertson would make a good Sammy, I just wish she was younger. Here are some other ideas. They are all younger stars, and in a couple years they will look the perfect age, in my opinion.
Sammy: Sammi Hanratty, Elle Fanning, AnnaSophia Robb
Casey: Brandon Tyler Russell, Skyler Gisondo, Spencer List, Preston Bailey
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