I've been reading Runner's World magazine since I was about 18, so having the magazine's editor-in-chief spotlight Exercise the Right to Read in the current issue is quite a thrill. Here's what he had to say in his "Miles and Trials" Editor's Letter on page 18:
"...I'd also like to recognize Mark Parsons and Wendelin Van Draanen, a California couple who started a program called "Exercise the Right to Read" that combines three of my favorite things: kids, running, and reading. Their goal is to get children exercising, beef up the libraries in their schools, and, in conjunction with publisher Random House and national charity First Book, get new books into the hands of low-income kids. At exercsietherighttoread.org, you can make a pledge toward Parsons and Van Draanen's marathon or find out more about their program."
If you've never read Runner's World, try an issue (shoot, get this one!). It's not just about splits and form and nutrition -- I love the magazine because it's inspirational. It'll keep you going, or get you started. Articles like "The Newbie Chronicles" are pure inspiration for someone who wants to get in shape.
Happy reading, happy running!
Wendelin, I read about your fundraising efforts last night in RW and posted it to our teacher-librarian listserv here in AZ. What a great campaign!
Ann Ewbank
Arizona Library Association President
(4 time marathon finisher)
That is so exciting!
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