Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cyber Fun For Everyone

Just a quick update: The Shredderman movie aired last night on Nickelodeon. It's the first one of my books that's been turned into a movie, but I was so busy that I did not throw a party. What was I thinking? I got calls from friends and relatives today saying they had Shredderman parties, and I started feeling like I really missed out. Next time! A "Behind the Scenes" segment airs tonight, and my kids are secretly hoping there'll be a glimpse of them in it (because we spent a day "on the set") but I really doubt it. BTW, the whole cast was really great to the kids -- Nolan (aka Ned aka Devin) was super nice to them and Bubba (aka Andrew) is as funny in real life as he is in the movie. There is talk of additional Shredderman movies and if Nick does do one, I hope they structure it around the storyline of the 4th book: Enemy Spy. Andrew/Bubba would be great as Shredderman's sidekick--instead of the guy who's always side-kicking him. Cyber fun for everyone!


noleqt said...

I have a quick question, and its sorta off topic but are your planning on having a seqeul to Flipped? You probably have heard this alot but I would really like to kno, thanks

Wendelin Van Draanen said...

I am writing another romantic comedy (and it'll be dedicated to my Flipped fans), but it is not a sequel to Flipped. Financially, a sequel would be a smart move, but, long story short, I just don't think it's the right thing to do.

flipped_over_flipped said...

I absolutely LOVE your book Flipped!! It's the best book I have ever read! And I know you disaggree but I really think you should write a sequel to it. Or even try to make it into a movie! All the Flipped lovers (including me) would be really happy. You could write how Juli and Bryce make up or kiss and continue with them going into highschool and face new problems. Flipped is the best book EVER and I read it so much I practically know every word off by heart!! Please write a sequel and if its even possible, create a movie!! Thanks for listening.

oinkypoop said...

i just finished reading flipped and i am so crazy about more! the ending was so intense. i have to find more books of yours!

oldriver said...

Wrting a sequel to Flipped would be what Jerry Spinelli did for his readers with Stargirl. After reading Stargirl, readers were left with wanting more - and he fulfilled their request with a sequel. Please satisfy our thirst with a sequel to Flipped. I really want to see what happens in high school....

Devi said...

For a sequel of Flipped (some ideas if you can't think of any)
1) You could show how they either drift apart or connect more
2) If Juli starts getting jealous of Bryce if he's hanging with some other girl
3) A view of their college lives. Will they go to the same college or not??
Some ideas if you do decide to write a sequel.

flipped and TwIsTeD said...

think of it this way, over 1/2 a million people want a sequel to flipped. A new book will be $7.00 at LEAST. think of all the money and happy fans like ME!!! :p pwease!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mrs. Draanen, I think Flipped is the best book ever!!! It really relates to what is going on in my life. Thankyou for writing the book. I love it alot and it changed my life. My teacher just finished reading the book to the class today. Could you write a book like relating to the book, or sequal if you don't mind? Could you please tell how it really ends between Bryce and Juli? If they stay friends, fall in love, get married, and have kids and those people grow up with the sycamore tree? I love that book. Please can you respond.

Kate McDonald said...

My name is Kate and I am probably the biggest fan of the book flipped, I have read it 4 times already. I saw that you wrote Confessions of a Serial Kisser which looks good but I was thinking since I am 12 and would really want a book to relate to, just like flipped it doesn't have to be the sequel but something in that area. Thank you for taking your time and reading this I really appreciate it!

You #1 Fan,

Shae 3400 said...

hi plz write a sequel so many people love flipped and u cant just leave us hanging what happens to them?

Unknown said...

plz plz plz do a sequel to flipped...its the best i've read so far. thanks to u of course. want to read more and more about juli and bryce...plz, it's a humble request.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would like you to consider a sequel to flipped. It was amazing, but the ending did not seem quite complete. I thought they were going to kiss. Thanks for your consideration.

Anonymous said...

#Was best book ever please make sequel

Anonymous said...

Just wondering, whats the other romantic comedy?