My mind is a-scatter with things to talk about. Which
basically means I have no focus. Which is all right, except I need to write
about some
thing, right?
Well, this week maybe not.
I want to springboard a couple of subject dives from last
week’s comments, but I really should put that in the comments of last week...only I don’t seem to be able to be everywhere at once. So
diving into this pool:.
Jessica’s comment on The Running Dream being required
reading, but that none of her recomendees have taken her up on her
I can so relate!
As my dad always said, “You can bring a horse to water, but
you cannot make him drink.”
Along the required reading line, I’ve thought for years that
Flipped should be required reading for anyone thinking about getting married. It should be the bridal shower gift. The
bach’ party present.
Read this, dude. If you still think she’s the one, okay,
then. Get hitched.
Or, Honey, open your eyes. You seeing what I’m seeing?
‘Cause brides often don't.
But somehow Flipped
Moving on: The other thing that really got me was some commental exchange
regarding shoes.
Was it shoes?
Yes. I think so. (But you guys bounce around so much [which
I love, but excuse me, my already muddled mind gets mixed up]).
Anyway, I remember going, GASP. And then thinking NO! THEY’LL
THINK I STOLE THEIR IDEA, when, in fact, I’d already written the idea in Killer Cruise.
Which just goes to show that Sammiacs are perceptive,
astute, tuned in, and awesome.
So I've decided that the best course of action is to just
TELL YOU SOMETHING OUT OF KILLER CRUISE (sorry, not yelling, really):
Casey gives Sammy a pair of (presently gray) high-tops with
(presently black) Sharpie’d sayings written all over them. Stuff like “Shortcut Sammy rides again!” and “S&C
I actually got the idea because years and years ago, my
younger son gave me a pair of white Converse as a gift which he’d written
quotes from my books all over. Stuff from Swear to Howdy, Runaway, and Sammy
Keyes mostly. I thought it was the coolest present, and so thoughtful.
It was also such a Casey thing to do.
(Please, don’t get weird on me here.)
Anyway, Killer Cruise
happens over Sammy’s b-day and I’d decided that Casey giving Sammy a pair of
custom high-tops for her Graduation From Thirteen birthday was perfect.
Only someone ACTUALLY GUESSED IT in the comments and I’m,
(Man, do I sound like Stephanie here, or what?)
Anyway, I’ve decided that instead of agonizing about it I
should include y’all. So my question for the week is: What would you want Casey
to write on Sammy’s shoes?
Hit me with your best quote! (Fire awaaaaaaaay-yay-yay-yay)
I’ll put as many as I can into the book
Which brings me to ANOTHER (not shouting, really) random
thought relating to last week’s comments:
Putting in scientific info (re: The Running Dream) is HARD because in doing research you learn so
much and there’s a huge temptation is to include everything you now know in
your story, only what that does is totally bog down the plot and make it BORING
(not shouting, really) for the reader. So balancing information sharing and
storytelling is definitely a delicate art.
My advice: Go for minimalist art.
Okay, so that’s my riffing on last week’s comments.
I also had random thoughts about balding men and big noses,
but I’ll save that for another time.
Is that enough random thoughting for one week?
(Not shouting, really.)
Are any of you going to ALA?
I’ll be there next weekend to receive my (happy sigh)
Schneider Award for TRD. I’m doing booth
signings on Saturday (3-4:00 PM) and sometime Sunday (morning I think?). It’s
in the convention schedule. I may be a day late (and definitely a dollar short)
next week with the blog post because Sunday’s packed. But I should have
something interesting (and potentially less random) to tell you about.
Meanwhile, hit me with your best shoe quote (but only if you
don’t mind it appearing in Killer Cruise).
Looking forward to seeing what the comment conversation
morphs into this week.
Shine on, you crazy diamonds!